C.A.M.E.O Adoption Application

C.A.M.E.O.'s adoption process is designed to carefully screen individuals to match them as closely as possible to our available dogs. If you are interested in providing a loving, responsible, and permanent home for one of our available rescued dogs, please fill out the following form. A representative from C.A.M.E.O. will reply to you within 10 days with further information.

Please copy and paste this form into an email, fill out the information, and send it to luanareed@colton.com.

Your First Name:

Middle Initial:

Last Name:


City: State/Province:

Postal Code:

Home Phone: (XXX-XXX-XXXX)

Work Phone: (XXX-XXX-XXXX)

E-mail Address:

Best time to call if we need to reach you:

Here are some essential questions that we need to have you answer as truthfully as possible. These questionswill help us match you with the correct rescue dog.

How long have you lived at the above address?

Do you own your home? 0 yes 0 no 0 N/A

If so, which of the following? 0 House 0 Townhouse 0 Condominium 0 Mobile Home 0 Duplex

Do you rent your home? 0 yes 0 no 0 N/A

If so, which of the following? 0 House 0 Apartment 0 Townhouse 0 Condominium 0 Mobile Home

You only have to answer the next 3 questions, if you answered yes to the question about renting your home.

Does your lease allow pets? 0 yes 0 no

Landlord's Name?

Landlord's Phone Number

Do you have a fenced yard? 0 yes 0 no

You only have to answer the next 3 questions, if you answered yes to the question about the fenced yard.

How high is your fence at its lowest point?

Does your fence have holes?0 yes 0 no

Can a dog dig out? 0 yes 0 no

Please check as many of the following reasons for adopting a Malamute as apply:

0 Watchdog 0 Companion 0 Family Pet 0 Breeding 0 Hunting Dog 0 Child's Pet 0 Guard Dog for Business

0 Companion for Other Pet

0 Other, please elaborate in space provided.

Are you married or single?

Are you or your spouse presently employed?

Are you over 18?

If so, do you live with your parents? 0 yes 0 no

How many people live in your household?

Do all members know that you plan to adopt a dog? 0 yes 0 no

Who else will have regular contact with the dog?

What are your hobbies?

Hobbies of other members of the household?

What are the ages of the children in your household, if any?

Do any members of the household have allergies? 0 yes 0 no

If yes, please explain

Who will be responsible for the care of the new pet?

Will an adult be home during the day?0 yes 0 no 0 part time

How many hours will the dog be left alone during the day on average?

Why are you interested in obtaining one of our Malamutes?

What books have you read on the Alaskan Malamute? dog training?

Have you ever owned a Malamute? 0 yes 0 no

Have you ever raised a puppy before?0 yes 0 no

Do you have experience with "crate" training? 0 yes 0 no

Do you own a large dog crate? 0 yes 0 no

Are you willing to use "crate" training? 0 yes 0 no

Have you owned other dogs in the past? What breeds? If so, when did you have them and what happened to them? (please be specific)

Have you had a dog die on your premises of distemper, parvo, or unknown causes within the last 3 months?

Do you own any pets at the present time? 0 yes 0 no

If so, please list animal's name(s), age, sex, breed, and whether spayed/neutered.

Animals obtained through Rescue must be spayed/neutered. What are your feelings on this subject?

Do your pets live inside or outside? 0 inside 0 outside

Are their shots up to date? 0 yes 0 no

Vet's Name

Vet's Phone (XXX-XXX-XXXX)

Are you willing to go to the expense and trouble of taking your pet to a vet for full

preventative and medical care? 0 yes 0 no

Are you aware that inoculations (shots) and routine preventative vet care typically

cost around $100 per year? 0 yes 0 no

Where will the dog stay during the day? 0 inside 0 outside 0 both

Where will the dog stay at night? 0 inside 0 outside 0 both

What do you plan to do with your pet when you go on vacation?

If you have to move, what would you do with your pet?

How much time in hours would you be able to spend with the dog each day?

Would you be willing to take a Malamute you get from C.A.M.E.O. to a basic obedience class if it was recommended or required as being in the best interests of the dog and you? 0 yes 0 no

Would you be willing to allow a rescue member to visit your home by appointment? 0 yes 0 no

How did you hear about CAMEO?

Please use the space provided below to add any other information you wish us to consider in placing one of our Malamutes with you. We would appreciate it if you would give us a little insight into the expectations you may have for this new addition to your family. Thank you again - your interest is deeply appreciated because every Malamute we can place is one less Malamute that is lost, hungry, abused, or destroyed.